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Welcome to BetterPress Society 2025

BetterPress Society is an exclusive monthly subscription of unique BetterPress Plates available only to independent retailers.

 Each month, society members will receive a new press plate that isn’t available anywhere else, as well as project inspiration and images. Customers are excited and delighted to have this opportunity to build thier BetterPress plate collection by joining the Society, and you can see all the excitement in the BetterPress Society Facebook Group. 


January's Plate

We know you're excited about upcoming plates - we are too!

Here's the information for the January BetterPress Society Plate.


January's plate also has an optional add-on stencil for coloring in this lovely foliage. 


January's plate is only available to BetterPress Society members in thier reserved quantities until January 20th 12pm MST, when it will be available to all independent retailers.

Buy January's Plate

The monthly email will still go out to BetterPress Society members on the first of each month, but now you can find all the information you'll need right here on the Spellbinders Wholesale site.


Order Timing

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On the first of each month, members receive an email with the SKU & details for the plate. For the next five days, members can add BetterPress plates to an order with additional items to save on shipping costs.

Once the window closes, any members who do not place an order with their plates will be issued a separate invoice that cannot be combined with other orders. It is expected that the invoice will be paid for by the fifteenth of the month; if it is not, the stock will go back to inventory and your society membership will be terminated.

As an example:

  • 1-5  – BetterPress Society members must pay for their orders. They can at this time add other items to their order
  • 6 – Any Society member that has not yet submitted their plate order will be emailed an invoice for their monthly quantity. Note that at this time, no other items can be added to the order
  • 10 – All plates shipped
  • 15 – Any outstanding invoices not yet paid will be cancelled, their membership terminated, and inventory will go to general stock
  • 20 – Any extra stock will become available on the wholesale website at a price of $15/plate for non-Society members, and $12 for members

Add-Ons and Upsells


January Add On

January has an optional add-on stencil for coloring in this lovely foliage. 


The stencil has an MSRP of $5.99 for non-members, and a price of $4.99 for members.

Wholesale cost for BetterPress Society retailers is $2.49 and $2.99 for non-member retailers.

Buy Add-On

February Add On

February's plate will have an optional add-on set of sentiment press plates. The plate will come with one sentiment, but there are three additional sentiments in the add on set. 


MSRP $12.99 for members / $14.99 for non-members.

Wholesale $6.49 for members / $7.49 for non-members

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A list of suggested upsell items for each month's plate is always available. Retailers can view this list as a special collection on the Spellbinders Wholesale website. 

A link to the suggested add-ons will be included in the email sent on the first of the month.

View Current Month Recommendations
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Promotional Materials

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We want to be sure to provide retailers with plenty of materials to promote BetterPress Society and add-value to members. Each month, a printable inspiration sheet will be provided to give members ideas on making the most of thier plates. 

All project images will also be provided, as well as logos and other materials used. Click the link below to view the Dropbox with all the promotional materials. 

Download Promotional Assets

2024 Plates

January 2024


BP-120 Thanks So Much Floral
5x7 Floral Press Plate & 2 Sentiment Plates


February 2024


BP-153 Fluttering By
5x7 Press Plate & 2 Sentiment Plates


March 2024

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BP-168 Anemone Frame
4x6 Floral Press Plate, 1 Sentiment Plate & Coordinating Die


April 2024

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BPR-007 Birthday Cake
4x6 Registration Press Plate, Registration Template

May 2024

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BPS-001 Peacock Press Plate
5x7 Press Plate 2 Sentiment Plates

June 2024

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BPS-002 Summer Vibes Press Plate
4 x 5" Registration Press Plates, Registration Template

July 2024

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BPS-004 Winter Sprigs Tree
4x6" Holiday Press Plate, 3 Sentiment Plates & Coordinating Die


August 2024

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BPS-005 Layered Leaf Prints
5 x 7" Registration Press Plates, 3 Sentiment Plates, Registration Template

September 2024

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BPS-007 Raining Pumpkins
5x7" Background Plate, Optional Add-On Layering Stencil

October 2024


BPS-008 Cozy Fireplace
4 x 6" Registration Press Plates, 3 Sentiment Plates, Registration Template

November 2024


BPS-009 Gifts
4 x 3" Registration Press Plates, 3 Sentiment Plates, Registration Template

December 2024


BPS-010 Cupcake Kisses
4x6" Registration Plates, 4 Sentiment Plates, Registration Template, 5 Coordinating Dies

Joining the Society

Retailers participating in the society need to sign up in advance for a 6-month commitment of the number of plates to receive each month. Open registration happens twice a year, in September and March, when retailers will have an opportunity to reserve their quantities for the upcoming enrollment period. 

Retailers must commit to a mininum of six plates per month to become Society Members.

Enrollment periods are:
January - June
July - December

Changes can be made to the reserved plates only during the registration period. Once the registration period is closed, we are unable to change the reserved quantity of plates.

Consider scaling up on your reserved quantity to account for mid-period add-on customers!

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Registration for BetterPress Society January-June 2025 is  now closed. The next registration period will open in March 2025.

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The price for BetterPress Society plates is $24.99 USD / $34.99 CAN for customers who sign up for the six month commitment. Non-members can purchase the plates for $29.99 USD / $39.99. Wholesale cost is $12.00 per plate for members and $15.00 per plate for non-members.

Bonus Plate FREE!

In addition to the discounted pricing, BetterPress Society members are eligible to recieve a discounted press plate for demonstrations. When ten or more plates are ordered, retailers can recieve a plate for 50% off, or when twenty or more plates are ordered, retailers will recieve a FREE plate!

Discount will automatically apply in the cart- no code needed!


To keep things fair for all retailers, plates may not be discounted beyond the membership price. Retailers are encouraged to add value for Society Members by other means, such as:

  • Offer a percentage off other BetterPress items during the subscription period
  • Provide free inks or reinkers
  • Offer a free class once per quarter
  • Create a prize package and do a drawing for all those who sign up
  • Create smaller packages of the Cotton Card Panels to provide with each monthly plate
  • Offer a once a month crop night in the store just for BetterPress Society members
  • Create a BetterPress punch card and offer a dollar amount off the 10th in-store purchase for society members
  • Or, whatever your imagination can dream up!